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Real ITSM 1.1 Service Reaction Review on Sep 2008 for Harry's Hot Autos by rob

Benchmark: Real ITSM 1.1 Service Reaction
RATS Reckoning: 60% from 21

Limit all Real financial planning to a MPFP of one year or less: Yes

Harry never planned anything except the occasional auto theft

Bonus: Use MS-Excel: No

Harry can't use a computer let alone Excel

Under-utilise all key resources - maintain emergency capacity: Yes

Harry is certainly "under utilised": reads the paper most of the day

Prohibit all optimisation, efficiency or consolidation activities: Yes

Harry never optimised anything

Document only a very few procedures and enforce none of them: Yes

None = "very few"

Bonus: Use MS-Excel: No

All reports and metrics provide only enough information to support the allocation of blame, and contain sufficient time-lag to p: 80%

No reports = no information

Bonus: Use MS-Excel: No

Staff know just enough about core systems: Yes

Harry knows just about nothing

No replication of last remaining person who understands a legacy system: 50%


Stamp out grass-roots initiatives: Yes


Create initiatives only in response to an executive directive and invest the minimum necessary to prevent punishment: Yes

Prohibit continual improvement: Yes

Harry never improved anything except his lock-picks

Either push decisions up to somebody who is sufficiently high in the organisation to neither care nor understand, or make a coll: Yes

Treat services as assets and value them by the funding and revenues these services bring to the IT organisation: No

Bonus: Use MS-Excel: No

All services provide sufficient value to the implementing staff: 70%

in general yes but some cars sell for less than they could just to get rid of them

Define a suitably narrow criterion for permissible services: 50%


Have a Service Cataract that lists the available services in terms of their dependencies: No

Bonus: Use MS-Excel: No

Maximise futility and variability of services: Yes

About the reviewer

Real Schmick Consulting Services

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