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A CultITSM presentation on realitsm

Dear members,

Obviously as believers in realitsm, it is up to us to evangelise the philosophy to our colleagues and peers. With this in mind, CultITSM has created a presentation, A Harmonious IT Environment. [You Poms can call it "An Harmonious...". Most of the rest of the planet will use "A ..." ]

This presentation introduces Real ITSM, as documented in the book "Introduction to Real ITSM" (see www.realitsm.com)
Real ITSM is the methodology of implementing IT service management as it is done now in the real world, thereby saving costs, minimising impact and ensuring acceptance.
Realitsm (pronounced "realism" with a slight lisp) is the underlying philosophy of ensuring a tranquil life for IT staff. The main threats to IT stability are change, accountability and reduced spending. Realitsm is about eliminating these threats from the IT environment, in the best interests of all in IT. A harmonious IT environment requires adherence to the following Realitsm principles:
• Ensure a stable operating environment
• Maximise adaptability to change
• Promote involvement through collectivist decision-making
• Maintain morale through reduced group accountability
• Maximise revenue and funding for the IT department
• Maximise benefit and value for the IT staff

Rob gave this presentation to the local chapter of the itSMF as a light-hearted pre-Christmas topic. As a result he is now the opening keynote speaker for South Pacific User Services Conference in November.

If any registered Real ITSM Practitioner would like to use the Harmonious IT Environment presentation yourself to promote realitsm you can find it here . Lou and Stan would appreciate it if you would let us know when you use it. (Remarkably there is no charge for using it)

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